move - functional
Research impressions


Walking, running, jumping and climbing, the healthy human body accomplishes these and many other movements with astonishing ease. However, as soon as pain or injury arise our movements are restricted, or worse, we are forced to abandon these activities. At move-functional our goal is to understand the degradation process of the human body, and to develop interventions before pain and injury overtake daily life.

Human movements are more than the activation of muscles and the motion of body parts. The individual muscles are linked together and controlled both consciously and unconsciously by the brain. Understanding this interaction will allow for better treatment in existing injuries, as well as aiding in prevention of further injuries.

Company profile

We understand and implement state of the art technologies in human movement science. Our main clients are companies in the field of injury treatment and/or prevention. We help these companies to choose the correct methods of rehabilitative or preventative therapy for their customers and patients. Furthermore, we develop new protocols for the daily assessment of human movement. This includes cutting edge measurement techniques, as well as data recording, analysis and interpretation.